The basic design was to have two things, complementing each other with enough similarities such that they find sufficient common ground and with enough differences such that they fuel the most important necessity of life- Change… I was recalling the design of humans... The two things being Women and Men… But somewhere in the process, things dint really go as per the design with one thing starting to exploit over the other… Sadly even after all these years of humanity, we still don’t exactly conform to the original design… In fact it would be wise to say that civilization as such can be measured as a degree of conformance to this design… This brings us to the 21st century... This brings us to today… This article does not intend to do root- cause analysis for this non- conformance, if I try to do that, I might have to go back to the ‘long long ago’, so long ago to a time when physical strength and endurance were pre- requisites in the race to being the fittest and ultimately the dominant of the two sexes…. Neither is this article intended to play the blame game on the opposite sex (Men)… But rather this article tries to propose plans to even out the crests and troughs and establish the beauty of equality (between the sexes)…

According to my analysis… the most optimal solution would be 1) Education 2) Exposure… While Education is necessary, it is not sufficient… It needs to be followed by Exposure… while Exposure without Education does not make any sense… Excuse me for sounding like a communist here, never really intended to sound like one, (I don’t believe in Communism as well) but the Government really needs to make Education
compulsory up to 20 years i.e. 3 years minimum college education after school… I specifically use the communistically sounding word “compulsory” here because I firmly believe that the aftermath of Education or the consequences of Education would be a direct enabler in resolving not only this problem, but also so many other issues plaguing humanity… Poverty, Unemployment, Ignorance to name a few…. Besides, all girls deserve to be educated, Education will bring out the skeptic in her, it will flood her with questions, and it will make her seek out for the answers, for the truth…. And somewhere in the process, it will make her a more equal being… Education without Exposure is literally theory without practice… She needs to exercise all that she has learnt somewhere, somehow, in making something better…. She needs to have a space, a small world, only for herself where she can grow both personally and professionally… I clearly do not endorse the option of being a housewife... When a girl decides to become a housewife, she is unknowingly making marriage as the only means of her livelihood which clearly doesn't show her in good light ... I am sure every girl has it in her to become something more than a housewife... Thankfully there are not many jobs these days that a guy can do and a girl cannot...
On that note, I conclude by appreciating the fact that 21st century is more flexible and open to accept this change trajectory… It understands and recognizes this need to create a more equal humanity and as long as this need is felt, I’ m sure the world is poised to become a more equal place to live in and humanity is poised to become a more conforming race…
**Inspiration: International Women's Day (IWD)... March 8th**
Even though I love this article, I have lots of questions to ask. May be I am not synchronized with your ideas.
ReplyDelete"the most important necessity of life- Change"
can you please tell us about your idea behind this quote?
Imagine life without change.. Wouldn't it be stagnating?? Life wouldn't have happened on earth if it refused to change.. In fact the beauty of life lies in its inherent ability to change... We all change.. everyday, every minute... Its just that we don't realize this metamorphosis unless it is abrupt...
ReplyDeleteMy opinion is, change might be a predominant and important phenomena that we realize but it may not be the most important necessity. But it has become important as we are stick towards that.
ReplyDeleteScience explains, an object that is in its state for long period of time has proportional energy.
You might have written this post considering practical situation with your ideas bounded. If it is the case, I am convinced.
Hmmm... My belief is more like I am not that, which I have been....
ReplyDeleteBtw, I dint want to sound like a feminist in the article (I would call myself an equalist rather..), so thats why I kinda used a very mild narrative...
very mild narrative:)
ReplyDeleteAnyway I strongly believe that the traditions pictured by our ancestors ain't a dumb stuff
Okay.. and I still strongly believe it is not that, which it has been... :->